Inspiring video calls about your interests

Soon you can book video calls about your specific interests. Here we create a place for interesting, inspiring and enlightening conversations. Here, amateurs and experts gather who are passionate about all conceivable interests and are open to a good conversation.

Welcome to register today!

Our BETA version has been launched and a small number of Talkers have been chosen to test our platform. Register now to see if you can become one of the testers. 

Quick access to Talkers*

  • Search function to find the right person to talk with
  • Recommendations based on previous conversations
  • Easy booking
* Talkers are anyone who is open to talking to others about their interests.

Make money on your call

After 10 completed calls, you unlock the feature that allows you to start charging for calls. It is completely voluntary to charge and you decide the price yourself.

Safe environment

  • Everyone sign up in their real names
  • People who misbehave can be suspended
  • Secure login



Search and find a person who seems interesting and matches the interest you want to talk about, send a request and have a great video call.

Tests are in full swing and the BETA launch was in May of 2022. Sign up to see if you could be one of our first Talkers.

It is free to register and most calls are free. There are also paid calls where the price is determined by the person offering the call.

After 10 completed calls, you unlock the feature that allows you to charge for calls. You choose if you want to charge and if so how much.

There are no commitments or obligations when you sign up, apart from behaving like a good person. You can always say no to call requests. But if you are not active or say no to many calls, you will eventually end up further down in the search results.

Yes, to ensure safety and security, all Talkers are registered and logged in.

Everyone who registers is a real person and uses their real names. Furthermore, it is reported if someone misbehaves and feedback is given after each call.

You register under the categories you are most interested in, in order to receive call requests from others about those interests. As soon as you are registered, you unlock and get access to calls in all categories on the page. This means that when you get a new interest or have a thought about a completely different topic, there is always someone there to talk to, who is interested in that particular topic.

Global Talkers AB

C/O Founders loft

Vera Sandbergs allé 5B
411 33 Gothenburg

Thanks for registering

Congratulations! You might become one of the first Talkers.

We’ll get in touch soon!

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